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主   编:余志远
出 版 社:外语教学与研究出版社
Part I the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 5
Chapter 1 Land and People 5
I.Geographical features 6
II. Climate 6
III. Plant and Animal Life 7
IV. People 7
Chapter 2 The Origins of a Nation 8
I. Early Settlers(5000 BC-55 BC) 8
II. Roman Britain(55 BC-410 AD) 10
III. The Anglo-Saxons(安格鲁撒克逊人)(446-871) 10
IV. The Viking and Danish Invasions 11
V. The Norman Conquest(诺曼征服)(1066) 12
Chapter 3 The Shaping of the Nation(1066-1381) 13
Ⅰ. Norman Rule (1066-1154) 13
II.The Great Charter and the Beginning of Parliament 15
III.The Hundred Years' War with France(1337-1453) 17
IV. The Black Death (1347-1350)and the Peasant Uprising (1381) 17
Chapter 4 Transition to the Modern Age(1455-1688) 18
Ⅰ.Transition 18
Ⅱ.Reformation 19
Ⅲ.ElizabethⅠ(1558-1603)(伊丽莎白一世) 21
IV. The English Renaissance (文艺复兴) 22
V. James I (1603-1625) and Parliament 25
VI.Charles I(1625-1649) and Parliament 26
VII.Civil Wars (1642-1651) 26
VIII. The Commonwealth (共和国)(1649-1660) 27
IX. The Restoration(王朝复辟) and the Glorious Revolution(光荣革命) of 1688 28
Chapter 5 The Rise and Fall of the British Empire(1688-Present ) 29
I.The Industrial Revolution 29
II.The Chartist Movement (宪章运动)(1836-1848) 31
III.Trade Unions and the Labor Party (工会和工党) 32
IV.Colonial Expansion(殖民扩张) 32
V.Britain in the 20th Century 34
VI. Britain in the 21st Century (21世纪的英国) 37
Chapter 6 Economy 37
Ⅰ. Development of the British Economy Since WW Ⅱ 38
Ⅱ. The British Economy by Sectors 38
Ⅲ. Labor and Taxation 39
Ⅳ. Poverty (贫穷问题) 39
Chapter 7 Government and Politics 39
I. Constitutional Framework (宪法框架) 39
II. Parliament 39
V. Justice (司法) 41
VI. Political Process 41
VII. Security (安全) 41
Chapter 8 Society and Culture 42
Ⅰ. Health and Welfare 42
III. Education 43
Ⅳ.Cultural Life 43
Ⅴ.Daily Life and Social Customs 44
Ⅵ. Arts 44
Ⅷ. Sports and Recreation 45
Chapter 9 Land (国土) 47
Ⅰ. Location and Size 47
Ⅱ. Land 48
Ⅲ. Climate 49
Ⅳ. Geographical Regions (地理区域) 50
Chapter 10 Population 52
Ⅰ. The American Population 52
Ⅱ. Immigration(移民) 53
Ⅲ. Population Movement 54
Ⅳ. Racial and Ethnic Groups 55
Chapter 11 History(I)(1492-1900) 57
Ⅰ. Discovery of the New World (发现新大陆) 58
Ⅱ. The Colonial Period 58
Ⅲ. The American War of Independence (I775-1783) (美国独立战争) 59
Ⅳ. Government Under the Confederation 联邦下的政府 61
Ⅴ. The War of 1812 (1812年战争) 63
Ⅶ. The American Civil War (1861-1865) 63
1 63
Ⅷ. Growth of the Nation 66
Chapter 12 History(Ⅱ)(1900-1945) 67
Ⅰ. Economic Development 67
Ⅱ. The Progressive Movement(进步运动) 68
Ⅲ. World War Ⅰ and the United States 70
Ⅳ. The United States in the 1920s 70
Ⅴ. The Great Depression and the New Deal(大萧条和新政) 71
Ⅵ. World War Ⅱ and the United States(二战和美国) 72
Chapter 13 History (Ⅲ)(1945-Present) 74
Ⅰ.Origins of the Cold War (冷战起源) 74
Ⅱ.Truman Administration and the Cold War 74
Ⅲ.US Support of Chiang Kai-shek and the Korean War (支持蒋介石和朝鲜战争) 76
Ⅳ.McCarthyism (麦卡锡主义) 77
Ⅴ.The Civil Rights Movement(民权运动) 78
Ⅵ.The Cuban Missile Crisis (古巴导弹危机) 79
Ⅶ.The Vietnam War(越南战争) 79
Ⅷ.United States' Relations with China (中美关系) 80
Ⅸ.Reagan Administration (1981-1989)(里根政府) 81
Ⅹ.George H.W.Bush Administration (1989-1993)(老布什政府) 81
Ⅺ.The World's Sole Superpower (1992 to Present)(世界唯一超级大国) 82
Chapter 14 Economy 83
Ⅱ.Features of the US Economy (美国经济特征) 83
Ⅲ.The US Economy by Sectors (美国经济部门) 84
Chapter 15 Government 86
I.The US Constitution 86
II.Three Branches of Government (政府的三个分支机构) 89
V.Political Parties (政党) 90
VI.Elections and Voting (选举和投票) 91
Chapter 16 Culture 92
Ⅰ.Language 92
Ⅱ.Religion (宗教) 93
Ⅳ.Literature, Theatre and Music 93
Ⅴ.Cinema 95
Ⅶ.Sports 96
Ⅷ.Holidays 97
Chapter 17 Canada (I) Land and People 98
Overview 98
Ⅰ.Land 99
1.Geographical Location 99
II.Climate 100
III.Plants and Animals 100
IV.People 100
V.Culture 101
VI.Major Cities 103
Chapter 18 Canada(II) History, Government and Economy 103
Ⅰ.History 103
Ⅱ.Government 104
Ⅲ.Economy 106
Chapter 19 Australia (Ⅰ)Land and People 111
Ⅰ.Geography 112
Ⅱ.Climate 113
Ⅲ.Plants and Animals 113
Ⅳ.People 114
Ⅴ.Culture 114
Ⅵ.Major Cities 119
Chapter 20 Australia (II)History, Government and Economy 121
Ⅰ.History 121
II.Government 122
III.Economy 124
Chapter 21 New Zealand (Ⅰ)Land and People 129
Overview 129
Ⅰ.Geography 130
Ⅱ.Climate 134
Ⅲ.Plants and Animals 134
Ⅳ.Historical Background 137
V.Population 141
Ⅵ.Major Cities 141
Chapter 22 New Zealand (Ⅱ)Economy, Government and Culture 142
Ⅰ.Economy 143
Ⅱ.Government 144
Ⅲ.Cultural and Social Developments 146
Chapter 23 The Republic of Ireland (Ⅰ)Land and People 149
Ⅰ.Geographical Features 149
Ⅱ.Climate 151
Ⅲ.Natural Resources, Plants, and Animals 151
Ⅳ.People 152
Ⅴ.Cultural Life 153
Ⅵ.Major Cities 155
Chapter 24 The Republic of Ireland (Ⅱ)History, Government and Economy 155
Ⅰ.Historical Background 155
Ⅱ.Government 156
Ⅲ.Economy 157
Ⅳ.Social Welfare and Customs 158
Ⅳ.Social Welfare and Customs 158

